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The Misconception About Conspiracies 

The term conspiracy and conspiracy theory has become very misunderstood in recent years, so I hope this page can shed light on the many misconceptions of this subject, as conspiracies hold an important part in our previous, current and future history.

The term is floated around by many different groups and often wrongly, so what is a conspiracy? All a conspiracy is, is 2 or more people planning to commit a crime or do something immoral/evil in the future, its that simple, you don't have to believe in flat earth or lizard people running the world, which is a very extreme niche even in the conspiratorial community. You will also often hear people say the old "conspiracy nuts" were people who believed in aliens, which is also incorrect as that is just a theory, it has nothing to do with the law or the act of conspiring, it seems people use it as a blanketed term for people they consider crazy. 


The term conspiracy theorist in recent years has become a weaponized term in order to shut down conversation, label certain groups and avoid addressing what they are actually saying. It is also becoming apparent for the term anti-vaxxer which falls under the same genre, if you question the fact the Covid-19 vaccine is experimental and rushed you are labelled an anti-vaxxer when you are just stating basic information. If you understand the definition of a conspiracy this becomes laughable, if you spent a day in court you would hear the term many times, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy by association, conspiracy to commit fraud, the list is endless. 

There are many examples in mainstream history of conspiracies, such as the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand before WW1, the assassination of President Lincoln, the gunpowder plot of Guy Faulks, Operation Himmler, the Nazi false flag project to give provocation to invade Poland and 911, yes even if you believe the official version, multiple terrorists still conspired to blow up the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon. The list goes on.

There is also a difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory which people seem to constantly mix up. A conspiracy is a proven fact and a conspiracy theory is not yet proven, therefore the phrase contains the word theory. Even if someone is the type who prefers to speculate about conspiracy theories that are not yet proven, what's so wrong about that, there are many unproven scientific theories which are held highly esteemed such as the big bang, evolution and even some of the scientific explanations we believed for many years are disproven years later. If we condemned every scientific theory just plainly because its a theory, it might cause people to refrain from putting forward theories that might of been monumental in the future.

I myself tend to stick to proven conspiracies not because I don't find certain conspiracy theories interesting but because there are so many proven ones that I don't need to spend my valued time on the ones I cant prove. Some people enjoy the conspirtainment aspect of conspiracies, who are generally the people who have only dipped their toes into the subject and aren't aware of the documented examples that seem just as far out before you properly dig in.

Oh and by the way if you believed or believe Trump is a Russian agent that's as about conspiratorial as you can get! A Russian agent holding the most prestigious position in the US! The same media outlets who condemn conspiracy idiots have continued to push this conspiracy theory for years.

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