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The Last Will And Testament Of Cecil Rhodes By William T Stead

"His plans are but rudely sketched in outline, and much of the work which he had begun is threatened with destruction by his one fatal mistake. But he lived long enough to enable

those who were nearest to him to realise his idea and to recognise the significance of his advent upon the stage in the present state of the evolution of human society." The Last Will And Testament of Cecil Rhodes Edited By William T Stead Page 56

"It was his distinction to be the first of the new Dynasty of Money Kings which has been evolved in these Later days as the real rulers of the modern world." The Last Will And Testament of Cecil Rhodes Edited By William T Stead Page 55

"The great financiers of Europe have no doubt often used their powers to control questions of peace or war and to influence politics, but they always acted from a strictly financial motive. Their aims were primarily the shifting of the values of stocks. To effect that end they have often taken a leading hand in political deals. But Mr. Rhodes inverted the operation. With him political considerations were always paramount. If he used the market he did it in order to secure the means of achieving political ends Hence it is no exaggeration to regard him as the first he will not be the last of the Millionaire Monarchs of the Modern World." The Last Will And Testament of Cecil Rhodes Edited By William T Stead Page 55

"All these wills were framed under the influence of the idea which dominated Mr. Rhodes's imagination. He aimed at the foundation of a Society composed of men of strong convictions and of great wealth, which would do for the unity of the English-speaking race what the Society of Jesus did for the Catholic Church immediately after the Reformation." The Last Will And Testament of Cecil Rhodes Edited By William T Stead Page 63

"We could hold your federal parliament five years at Washington and five at London. The only thing feasible to carry this idea out is a secret one (society) gradually absorbing the wealth of the world to be devoted to such an object" The Last Will And Testament of Cecil Rhodes Edited By William T Stead Page 73

"He is full of a far more gorgeous idea in connection with the paper than even I have had. I cannot tell you his scheme, because it is too secret. But it involves millions. . . . He expects to own, before he dies, four or five millions, all of which he will leave to carry out the scheme of which the paper Is an integral part. . . . His ideas are federation, expansion, and consolidation of the Empire." The Last Will And Testament of Cecil Rhodes Edited By William T Stead Page 82

"It was " our idea " his idea of the secret society broadened and made presentable to the public without in any way revealing the esoteric truth that lay behind. Mr. Rhodes recognised this and eagerly welcomed it." Stead about him and Rhodes The Last Will And Testament of Cecil Rhodes Edited By William T Stead Page 102

"We also discussed together various projects for propaganda, the formation of libraries, the creation of lectureships, the dispatch of emissaries on missions of propagandism throughout the Empire, and the steps to be taken to pave the way for the foundation and the acquisition of a newspaper which was to be devoted to the service of the cause." The Last Will And Testament of Cecil Rhodes Edited By William T Stead Page 104

"That is the curse which will be fatal to our ideas insubordination. Do not you think it is very disobedient of you ? How can our Society be worked if each one sets himself up as the sole judge of what ought to be done?" The Last Will And Testament of Cecil Rhodes Edited By William T Stead Page 109

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